Friday, October 31, 2014

Friday Links (Spoooooky spooks edition)!

It's Friday! But even more importantly, it's Halloween!!!!!!!!!!

Ghouls and goblins and mummies and werewolves on the prowl! We have a pile of candy to hand out, the house has some spooky decorations, and I have picked out some scary movies. We're going to have a great night.

Anyway, here is a collection of news and other things that I ran across over the course of the week which struck me as worthy of being shared:

Happy Heteroween: In Defense of Sexy Pirates, Sexy Nuns, and Sexy Cadavers.

5 Years After Passage Of Hate Crimes Law, Religious Right's Dire Predictions Still Haven't Come True.

Dear Author breaks down the actions of the Author who stalked a Good Reads reviewer. (Thanks to shipperx for the link!)

The Choices of Kathleen Hale.

There Really Is an Evangelical Christian War on Halloween.

Is it just me, or does talking about religious violence feel an awful lot like talking about gun violence?

Tim Cook Speaks Up ...and comes out.

Why it matters where — and when — Tim Cook spoke up about being gay.

On crying in public.

xkcd: Zombie Marie Curie.

Totally True Horror Story: A Shocking Tale from the '80s—Illustrated.

Once you see this small typography tweak Apple made in OS X Yosemite, you can’t unsee it.

Last of the Crow war chiefs turns 101 in Montana.

Lonesome George, the Last of His Kind, Strikes His Final Pose.

Woman sues to use wife’s name on South Carolina driver’s license.

Godless millennials could end the political power of the religious right. We can only hope!

Top Ten Most Famous Swords of the Middle Ages. Note: it's not a slide show, so you don't have to click-click-click to see them!

Chemists Find A New Chemical Bond—Forming it requires replacing atoms' electrons with more exotic sub-atomic particles.

#GamerGate Supporters Demonstrate They Don't Know What Ethics in Journalism Means.

Every Other Planet in the Solar System Would Fit Between the Earth and Moon. Factoid I knew long ago, but the image is nice.

Cassini Spies Methane Ice Crystals in Titan's Atmosphere.


Brownback Covered Budget Deficit By Tossing Disabled People Off Medicaid.

Ken Ham’s tax-payer subsidized creationist theme park is already in trouble for religious discrimination.

The Evangelical War on Halloween.

And Halloween, Jack Chick, and Anti-Catholicism.

And Colbert is on it: War on Halloween - Costume Swapping & Jesus Ween. (Video plays automatically)

Pope Francis admits he believes in evolution and the Big Bang, says science and religion can peacefully coexist.

On the other hand, Stop Celebrating the Pope's Views on Evolution and the Big Bang. They Make No Sense.

Time magazine is just an embarrassing Internet troll now.


Couple plead guilty to torture death of 8-year-old they believed was gay.

The Universe Might Be A Billion Years Older Than We Thought.

Five science ‘facts’ we learnt at school that are plain wrong.

Digging through 316,669 tweets from three days of Twitter’s two-month-old #GamerGate trainwreck. He really digs into the metadata. It's fascinating!

Viewpoint: Arrow of Time Emerges in a Gravitational System.

They don’t all have to be heroes, but….

Fairy rings and h/a/y/ fungal fever.

Are you participating in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)? Let's be writing buddies!


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Jessica Lange - Gods and Monsters (Lana Del Rey Cover):

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Monster Mash:

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

Beetlejuice - Day-o (Banana Boat Song):

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

Melanie Martinez - Carousel (American Horror Story: Freak Show Theme) (Official Video):

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

LOL! “Don’t TOUCH My Girlfriend" Pres.Obama! Couple Interviewed - Chris Hayes:

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

The Endless Night: A Valentine to Film Noir:

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

Avengers: My Ultron Will Go On (setting the visual of the Avenger's trailer to Celine Dion's "My Heart Will Go On" is surprisingly awesome):

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday Links (difficult people edition)!

It's Friday! The fourth Friday in October, and Halloween is still a week away!!

Who knew that October '14 would be the month when more than a dozen states would get marriage equality? We knew the good news about equality couldn't last, but why did this week have to be all about douche-y people?

Anyway, here is a collection of news and other things that I ran across over the course of the week which struck me as worthy of being shared:

Morning Maddow: Rachel’s Pantheon Of Heroes (Video). In case you're losing your faith in humanity.

GOP using increasingly racist arguments against gay marriage.

How Mars Hill and Mark Driscoll Wooed Unchurched Seattle.

Alvin McEwan explains why "The Erasure of 'Gay' From Black History & the Black Community Must Stop."

The Gamergater's Glossary.

Isaac Asimov Mulls “How Do People Get New Ideas?” An previously unpublished essay on the origins of creativity.

The entire Idaho wedding chapel story is a lie. And it get's better: Caught ya: Far-right's latest marriage 'victim' edited website to make more solid legal case.

What your 1st-grade life says about the rest of it. (Thanks to @tdjohnsn for the link!)

Phyllis Schlafly: End Early Voting Because It Helps Democrats.

>Conservatives Converge Around Fox News as Main Source; No Single Source Dominates on the Left

6,000-Year-Old Temple with Possible Sacrificial Altars Discovered.

Queen of the Underworld Sheds New Light on Greek Tomb - Newly revealed mosaic may hold key to unlocking mystery: Who was buried in the massive mound?

In every heated conversation about faith and violence, there's one thing that everybody gets wrong.

Never say never: why TV networks are suddenly ready to unbundle.

Get Down Tonight: Seattle’s first disco nudged the city toward its left-leaning future.

ADHD Is Different for Women.

The Bad Apples Of #GamerGate.

The worst known case of workplace lead exposure at a U.S. range happened during renovations at Wade’s Eastside Guns in 2012. But documented hazards there go back to 2008.

The real lesson of Ebola in Dallas: this virus is very difficult to spread.

Anti-Gay Group Vows War Against Rob Portman, GOP Over Marriage Equality.

Here's a Better Idea for the Gay Man Who Wants to Raise $150,000 for Anti-Gay Bakers. The self-proclaimed "gay activist" referenced in the story is not; he's gay, yes, but the only things he's ever done is scold other gays for not being tolerant of Christian bigotry.

Vultures circle GamerGate: the narcissists, grifters and creeps arriving in its wake.

Unfortunately for a rare few of you, this is a necessary infographic.

Canada's parliament attacked, soldier fatally shot nearby.

CNN disappointed with Canadians’ lack of panic.

Maybe Guys Are the More Emotional Sex. (thanks to @Sharpclaw for the link!)

Sweden May Have Mystery Sub Cornered, Ready To Use Force To Surface It.

We are citizen radio: Rainn Wilson to produce TV series with accused rapist, White people live life like it’s one long frat party.

13 Lies We Have to Stop Telling About Bisexuals. Listicles are always problematic, but this one suffers more than the usual amount of redundancy. #1 and #2 are the same myth, rephrased, for instance.

Stunning View of Solar System’s Largest Volcano and Valles Marineris Revealed by India’s Mars Orbiter Mission.

Things Are Improving For LGBT Students, But They're Still Really Bad.

White menaces to society: Keene State and the danger of young drunk white men.

Kooky Straight Couple Claims Same-Sex Couples Want to Steal Their Marriage. They filed a typo-ridden epic privilege tantrum as a motion to a federal appeals court.

Churning galaxy boasts a fiery halo of baby stars.

Marvel's "Avengers: Age of Ultron" - Teaser Trailer (OFFICIAL):

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

A working hoverboard, it's finally here:

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Star Wars (Guardians of the Galaxy Style!):

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The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson - Weird Al Performs:

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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Pumpkins Spice:

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

Stephen Colbert Sings Friday with Jimmy Fallon and The Roots (Late Night with Jimmy Fallon):

(If embedding doesn't work, click here. Also, also, also! I think I should post this video every Friday!)

$5.7 BILLION Drop in Hospital Uncompensated Care Costs Due to Obamacare:

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

Bright Light Bright Light - An Open Heart:

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Clean Bandit & Jess Glynne - Real Love [Official Video]:

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

Ricky Martin - AdiĆ³s (English Version) (Official Video):

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Friday, October 17, 2014

Friday Links (with prehistoric giant kangaroos)!

It's Friday! The third Friday in October—only two weeks before Halloween!

Last week was so crazy amazing: ten states got marriage equality over the course of five days. How could anything top that? Well, the dominoes keep falling!

Anyway, here is a collection of news and other things that I ran across over the course of the week which struck me as worthy of being shared.

So, here are my links for the week:


Largest, oldest creature on Earth?.

Why I Deleted IHeart Radio From My Devices And You Should Too.

Texas Just Crowned Their First Transgender Homecoming King.

Uprooted, Again. An interesting ending to a story about one woman who used DNA testing to fill in her family tree...

The strange world of the bright blue Velella.

New Particle Is Both Matter and Antimatter: The Majorana fermion.

Second draft of document on accepting gays bows to pressure from bishops.

Everyone Keeps Falling for the Catholic Church's Good Cop/Bad Cop Routine.

Adorable photos of flying lemurs! And other interesting pictures, but the flying lemurs are incredibly cute! (They aren't true lemurs, they're a species that split off from the primates 79 million years ago, but they're basically a cross between a lemur and a flying squirrel!)

A wonderfully accurate comic about Gamer Gate.

Presbyterian workers wore no hazmat suits for two days while treating Ebola patient.

Saturn's 'Death Star' Moon May Hide Subsurface Ocean.

Frigid Polar Vortex Unlikely to Repeat This Winter.

Locomotion in Extinct Giant Kangaroos: Were Sthenurines Hop-Less Monsters?

The media is doing an awful job explaining Ebola, and #ClipboardMan is proof.


Condition Called Tetrachromacy Allows This Artist To See 100 Million Colors.

Hubble Finds Extremely Distant Galaxy through Cosmic Magnifying Glass.

Man with possible explosive device lodged inside his leg brought to UAB Hospital.

Paramedic refused to leave man with grenade lodged in his leg: nerves, humor and body armor all part of 8-hour ordeal.

Nijicon: Philly’s First-Ever LGBT Comic Convention Is This Weekend.

Leaving the GOP Gov. Huckabee? Great, Take the Other Anti-gay Republicans With You.

In North Carolina, Thom Tillis is the Last Holdout Against Gay Marriage.

And by the way, those people claiming these marriage equality rulers are anti-Christian? Remember that in North Carolina, it was United Church of Christ ministers (among others) who sued to get the ban overturned: United Church of Christ wins for marriage in NC.

Christian right’s vile PR sham: Why their bizarre films are backfiring on them.

A conservative judge's devastating take on why voter ID laws are evil.

Anti-Gay Marriage Group Alleges Bias on Federal Appeals Court. They don't understand probability...

Matt Zarley - I Just Knew:

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

Nick Deutsch - Run:

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Columbus Day - How Is That Still A Thing (HBO):

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

David Guetta - Dangerous (Lyric Video) ft Sam Martin:

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Out! Out! Come out now!

Today is National Coming Out Day. If Ray were still alive, it would also be the day we’d be celebrating the twenty-first anniversary of our commitment ceremony (he promised to stay with me for the rest of his life, and he did). Since I am still occasionally surprised to learn that someone I know or work with hasn’t figured out that I’m gay: my husband (Michael) and I are both men, and we’re very much in love with each other and happy together... (The rest of this post, revealing some other personal truths is at FontFolly.Net.)

Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday Links ('I do' edition)!

It's Friday! The second Friday in October, a week with birthdays of at least two people I know, and only three weeks before Halloween!

Anyway, here is a collection of news and other things that I ran across over the course of the week which struck me as worthy of being shared. I'm grouping them by topic, today. I know there's even more links related to gay rights than usual, but think about this week in perspective. Wikipedia had to update the map showing which states allow same sex couples to marry, which ban them from it, and which have some form of domestic partnerships instead eight times over the course of the first four days of the week.

That's just amazing!

So, here are my links for the week:

Creationism Is About Gay Marriage, Not Science. Interviews with the financial backer and the primary "scientific consultant" at the Creation Museum reveal all.

I Demand Pocket Equality.

"So yes, there is a blog out there that is praising Ruth Bader Ginsburg as Notorious R.B.G., but if you don’t know the difference between a blog and a tumblr, that’s because you are not as hip and with it as 81-year-old Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg."

All Your Life, Charlie Brown. All Your Life: The complete history of Lucy’s pulling the football away..


Why the GOP hates U.S. history: Inconvenient truths that freak out American conservatives.

Voter ID Explained In One Photo.

This is what same-sex marriage looks like now: as gay as the Mormon missionary position.

When ‘Redefining Marriage’ Meant That Women Had To Be Treated Like Human Beings.

Huckabee Urges States To Ignore Rulings On Marriage Equality, Abortion Rights & Church-State Separation. Related: Why the wingnut base won’t let Republicans move on.

WWE "Going Purple" and Partnering with GLAAD for Spirit Day.

How Straight Spouses Cope When Their Partners Come Out.

Best of the worst: The 10 most unhinged conservative reactions to expanding marriage equality.

Transgender Actress Erika Ervin On Her 'American Horror Story: Freak Show' Role. A trans actress playing a trans character! Whoa!

Traditional marriage?

Romanian 'Orthodox Priests' Calendar 2015 Pays Tribute To Social Tolerance. "the 2015 Orthodox Calendar features 12 months of hunky models striking homoerotic poses alongside religious iconography."

Reading Stuff Will Eliminate 90 Percent of Your Stupid Questions.

What If You're Against Football, But for the Seahawks?


Everyday People: 12-year-old boy gains confidence through My Little Pony.

Scientists say DNA determines coffee consumption.

Forget Ebola. Worry about the unvaccinated kid down the street.

New global Mars image from Mars Orbiter Mission features Gale crater.

Strange Red Supergiant-Neutron Star Object Discovered.

An iPad filled with apps weighs more than one with nothing installed.

Why I've stopped using Google apps on my iPhone 6 Plus.

New Dark Matter Theory Solves Milky Way's "Missing Satellite-Galaxies" Puzzle.

Foom! ‘Superflares’ Erupt From Tiny Red Dwarf Star, Surprising Scientists.


How bad user interface design killed a child cancer patient.

5 Fonts that will kill your design (and 5 great alternatives).

Tap, tap, tappity-tap-tap-tappity-tap!.

If Buying Condoms Was Like Buying Birth Control:

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

THE LIQUIDATOR 'Main Title' - Shirley Bassey:

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

Levi Kreis, Handcuff My Soul:

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

George Ezra - Blame It on Me:

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

Mary J. Blige - Right Now (From The London Sessions):

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

[Official Video] Rather Be - Pentatonix (Clean Bandit Cover):

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

Friday, October 3, 2014

Friday Links (with super science)!

It's Friday! The first Friday in October, a month which contains one of my favorite holidays, birthdays of several people I love, an anniversary, and some of my favorite weather.

In honor of this first Friday in October, here is a collection of news and other things that I ran across over the course of the week which struck me as worthy of being shared:

Cyber harassment study reveals the unsurprising!

OMFG Teach Your Kids Accurate Names for Body Parts Already.

Look: Harlem Hate Pastor Posts Violent New Anti-Gay 'Biblical' Message.

Consumer Reports tests suggest iPhone 6 ‘bend-gate’ a bit overblown.

Bendgate Unbent: Apple And Viral iPhone 6 Plus Bender Are Both Right.

No, you probably can’t bend the iPhone 6 Plus. Unless you’re a bodybuilder.

The Death Of The Saturday Morning Cartoon Is Complete.

R.I.P. Buster Jones. The voice behind some of your favorite Saturday morning cartoon characters.

The Secret Goldman Sachs Tapes. "no one feels individually accountable for financial crisis mistakes because management is through consensus."

High School football death is 3rd in recent days. Ebola has killed zero people in America this week, while High School football has killed three. So, what should we be worried about?

Most People With Addiction Simply Grow Out of It: Why Is This Widely Denied?

Strange New Type of Brain Cell Discovered.

Calif. governor signs bill prohibiting ‘gay panic’ defense in murder charges. And that's not all: Four Exciting New Laws Protecting Gay and Trans People Passed in California!

Man exonerated after 10 years in prison will get $500,000.

Video: Late-night octopus-watching off West Seattle’s shore.

The Sound So Loud That It Circled the Earth Four Times.

The War Nerd: Let’s put Islamic State’s menacing advance into perspective by… looking at a map.

Why the genetic code is not universal.

Building an Ark for the Anthropocene.

Alaska actually wants to use the Jim Crow approach in defending its gay marriage ban.

Weird 'Island' on Saturn Moon Titan Puzzles Scientists (Video, Photos).

The Babylonian map of the world sheds light on ancient perspectives.

How American parenting is killing the American marriage.

Adorable Alligatorellus.


The Unexceptional Devil’s Hole Pupfish.

The Enemy Of Archaeology Is Not People, It's Salt.

Rumor calls out Windows 95 as the reason Microsoft skipped version 9.

Republicans Angry that a Republican Attorney General Who has been caught having registered to vote in multiple states, has been removed from the ballot in accordance with state law. The irony meter is exploding...

Republicans In ‘Republicans Are People Too’ Ad Are Not Actual Republican People. The entire lame campaign is stock photos.

5 public health threats in Texas scarier than Ebola.

Lost ‘Sherlock Holmes’ Film Discovered After Almost a Century.

‘Science’ Center Teaches Boys Rocketry, Girls Makeup. Internet Certain To Be Pleased. (Updated).

Supernova! --"Are They the Reason the Milky Isn't Crawling with Biological and Machine Intelligence" (Or Is it?).

Lies of the Devil Talkers.

…and a sonic screwdriver!

Lesbian Misogyny #YesAllWomen:

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Pharrell Williams - It Girl:

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At Long Last, An Invisibility Cloak We Can Believe In:

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Hollysiz - The light (you may need a whole box of kleenex):

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Handsome Man ~ Matt Alber (Official):

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