Friday, November 27, 2015

Friday Links (post-food coma edition)

Thank goodness it's Friday. It is the final Friday in November. That means, at least here in the states, that yesterday was Thanksgiving. Which means that here at our house, we are finally officially into Christmas season. I can list to Christmas music! I can start decorating! Yay!

The last few weeks the links list has been a bit shorter than usual because of how much time I'm spending on NaNoWriMo. Then this week with the holiday, traveling, and family time, my news reading time was even more restricted. Anyway, here is a collection of some of the things that I ran across over the course of the week which struck me as worthy of being shared. Sorted into categories with headings so you can skip more easily:

Link of the Week


This Week in Diversity

Muslim student nearly run over by man who called her a terrorist: ‘I’m terrified to cross the street now.’

CDC: Marriage Rates Up in 2014, Divorce Rates Down. "Remember how religious conservatives insisted that allowing same-sex couples to marry would destroy the institution of marriage? Yeah, no: The CDC says more Americans married in last year and fewer married couples divorced. The numbers are small—tiny uptick in the marriage rate (reversing a 15 year trend), tiny downtick in the divorce rate—and this CDC report covers 2014, the year before the Supreme Court made marriage equality the law of the land. But same-sex couples were already marrying in a majority of states in 2014."

Cinema company that banned Lord's Prayer advert lashed by many tongues.

The Kaleidoscope Society: America’s hurtling change is inverting our oldest national motto.

This week in People Doing Good Things

Speaking to the Soul: the world is big enough.

News for queers and our allies:

National Organization for Marriage Violates Federal Law, Refuses to Release Tax Forms.

All Out Launches Crowdfunded “Gay Cure Watch” Site. A new online tool to fight gay “cures”

Arkansas Judge Rules Against Ban on Gay Parents Being Named on Birth Certificates.

The Upcoming Film About Black Trans Activist Marsha P. Johnson Looks Absolutely Legendary.

Queen tells CoE to learn art of peacemaking amid splits over sexuality.

Trans* Women Are Not Freakshows and Drag Queens: The Problem With the Transgender Umbrella.

Marriage Equality Must Be Truly Equal.

Vietnam law change introduces transgender rights.

Science Fiction, Fantasy and Speculation!

Sleeps With Monsters: Some Initial Thoughts Upon Finishing Marvel’s Jessica Jones.

This week in Geek

Write your passwords down to improve safety. A counter-intuitive notion leaves you less vulnerable to remote attack, not more.

This week in Writing

The Running Novelist: Learning how to go the distance.

Culture war news:

Hate crimes against transgender people in America tripled last year.

If our free speech isn’t in jeopardy, then why won’t my TA let me spend all of class yelling “FUCK BRIAN” at Brian?

Expert Says Ohio's Vote Against Pot Legalization Was 'Statistically Impossible'.

Pew: White Christians no longer a majority.

How America’s Demographic Revolution Reached The Church.

Texas GOP Governor Abbott Hypocritically Tramples On Religious Freedom.

Meet the little-known religious group that turned Kim Davis into a right-wing superstar. And that is just a teeny part of the anti-gay hateful activity.

PHILADELPHIA: Judge Rules Alleged Basher Kathryn Knott’s Anti-Gay Tweets Can Be Used Against Her.

North Carolina school suspends all clubs after parents complain about LGBT club.

Salt Lake City Elects Gay Mayor, While Utah Exports Anti-Gay Hate.

Here's How Authorities In The Mid-20th Century Tried To Ruin Queer Lives.

This Week in the Clown Car

Mike Huckabee: 'There Will Be No Abortion' When I'm President. Impossible to make happen and a Constitutional Crisis all in one!

Ted Cruz Touts Endorsement Of Extreme Anti-Gay, Anti-Choice Activist Flip Benham.

Twitter Erupts Into Hysterics When Carson Says 9/11 Video He Remembers Was Of 'Middle East, Not NJ'.

You’re more likely to be fatally crushed by furniture than killed by a terrorist.

Donald Trump tells Fox News he merely retweeted a tweet from an "expert." Let's meet this "expert".

Kasich ambushes Trump in Ohio.

Rubio says same-sex marriage ‘not settled law’.

Donald Trump mocked a reporter with a disability at a South Carolina rally.

This week in Other Politics:

George R.R. Martin: My Position On the Syrian Refugees.

Watch: Sarah Palin Had No Idea There's A Refugee Screening Process, So Seth Meyers Had To Explain It.

This Week in Racism

Prosecutors: Cop Who Killed Laquan McDonald Fired 16 Shots And Was Reloading, But Told To Stop.

Five people were shot near Black Lives Matter protest site.

Jersey City Mayor Slams Trump’s “Hate Campaign.”

Emails reveal racists plotted confrontation with Black Lives Matters activists days before shooting. Interesting to note that their on-line discussions include several slang terms originated by so-called Men's Rights Advocates...

Five people shot at Black Lives Matter protest in Minneapolis: Police.

This Week in Misogyny

Why Do Gay Men Perpetuate Sexism?

Dismissing popular things that women like doesn’t require some special kind of bravery. It happens all day, every day – especially in literary criticism.

Things I wrote:

Quality vs quantity is a false dichotomy.

Oppressed Oppressors, part 4.

It’s an old family recipe….

It is about being thankful, after all.


Sainsbury’s OFFICIAL Christmas Advert 2015 – Mog’s Christmas Calamity (this is really, really good!):

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Pennies (HBO):

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

The Civil War Begins – 1st Trailer for Marvel’s “Captain America: Civil War”:

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

A friend sent me a link to this video, which is a response to the recent decision by a UK cinema company to not allow religious groups to purchase advertising time in the theatres, Reimagining The Lord's Prayer:

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

Adele - Hello (a different take):

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

Tuesday, 3:00 am / Nita Whitaker:

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

Friday, November 20, 2015

Friday Links (Remembrance edition)

Thank goodness it's Friday. November is moving along! It's already the 20th, which means that today is the International Transgender Day of Remembrance

NaNoWriMo is taking up a lot of my time, so I'm not doing as much online news reading as usual. Anyway, here is a collection of some of the things that I ran across over the course of the week which struck me as worthy of being shared. Sorted into categories with headings so you can skip more easily:

Link of the Week

Former ISIS hostage, French reporter tortured for 10 months: They *want* us to retaliate.

This Week in Diversity

Russian Witch Baba Yaga's Guide To Feminism.

The history of the Transgender Day of Remembrance.

This week in People Doing Good Things

Paris attacks: Restaurant worker who saved two women.

Can Cities End the School-to-Prison Pipeline? Relentless Organizers Are Tallying Wins.

This week in Evil, Greedy People

The company that raised the price of a drug by 5,000% posted a $14.6 million net loss in the third quarter.

News for queers and our allies:

3 Powerful Ways to Observe Transgender Day of Remembrance.

Moschino Barbie Boys. “It's wonderful that we live in a world where conventionally masculine pro basketball players and soccer players can be out, as well as Olympic skiers and ass-kicking/porn-making boxers. But little boys who play with barbies—and grow up to be iconic fashion-house-reviving designers—aren't a "harmful stereotype." Those boys exist and there's nothing wrong with them. And those boys came out first (because they couldn't hide) and they came out swinging. It was little girly boys who made it safe for masculine gay dudes to come out and not the other way around.”

Starbucks Turns 97 Seattle Locations Into LGBT Safe Spaces.

GLAAD launches trans microaggressions photo project #transwk.


The Hidden History of Gay Purges at Colleges.

This Is What Happens At A Formal For LGBT Teens.


Article: Apollo 12: A Giant Leap for Trolldom.

Canada Opens the Door for Science Once Again.

Newly Discovered Bacteria Can Resist All Antibiotics. It's a slightly misleading headline. This bacteria can resist the so-called "last resort" antibiotic. It does NOT have the mutations necessary to resist other antibiotics. However, as the article points out, it is only a matter of time.

Science Fiction, Fantasy and Speculation!

Being a Superhero Isn’t Helping Thor Fight Cancer.

Science-fiction, fantasy, and all the things in between.

Culture war news:

Dalai Lama: Stop Praying for Paris — Humans Created This Problem and Humans Must Solve It.

Reviving the ‘Liberal Media’ Myth.

Arrest Pastor Kevin Swanson?

At Least 100,000 Texas Women Have Performed Their Own Abortions.

“No evidence” to support “unfounded allegations” against Planned Parenthood: Attorney General Ferguson. That's my attorney general (we elect the state attorney general here in Washington)

This is America in the age of decay: How we became a civilization dominated by racism & rage. What America and the world now face isn't a clash of civilizations. It's a struggle against our darkest impulses

This Week in the Clown Car

This is why Ben Carson lies: The dark, disturbing reality of race, religion and today’s right-wing.

Donald Trump Won't Rule Out Special ID Cards For Muslim Americans.

“Syria-ously hot!” The right responds to Paris with Bible-thumping, scientific illiteracy, frat boy antics.

Stephen Colbert’s scathing Bobby Jindal farewell: GOP still party of stupid, Trump “offensive” and Carson “bizarre”.

Chris Christie can’t believe that the Paris attackers weren’t Syrian refugees.

Why Won’t People Just Call Ben Carson the Idiot He Clearly Is? Come on. The guy is as dumb as a bag of rocks. How does he get away with it? Because our society craves his narrative.

GOP Candidates Really Don't Want To Talk About 'Kill The Gays' Conference.

This week in Other Politics:

Ignore The Freakout: Here's What Obama Really Said About 'America Winning'.

Observers Push Back Against Anti-Refugee Ugliness: “No Exaggeration to Call This Un-American.”

The National Association of Evangelicals Calls for Continued Resettlement of Refugees.

Inslee says Washington state will continue to welcome refugees. That's my governor!

Now the Truth Emerges: How the US Fuelled the Rise of ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

Things I wrote:

When bad things happen look for the heroes.

The red cup is already silly old news, but it’s more than a joke.

Meta-labels and Sub-genres – loving sf/f in all its forms.


Trans women tell GLAAD about their experiences in honor of Trans Day of Remembrance:

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

Use the iPad Pro like a Wacom Cintiq:

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

Elton John - Looking Up:

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

Panic! At The Disco: Victorious [OFFICIAL VIDEO]:

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

Friday, November 13, 2015

Friday Links (91-year-old badass edition)

Thank goodness it's Friday. November is moving along!

NaNoWriMo is taking up a lot of my time, so I'm not doing as much online news reading as usual. Anyway, here is a collection of some of the things that I ran across over the course of the week which struck me as worthy of being shared. Sorted into categories with headings so you can skip more easily:

Link of the Week

Required Viewing: Maddow On "Kill the Gays" Pastor and the GOP Candidates Who Love Him.

This Week in Diversity


Binders Full of Men.

Aziz Ansari on Acting, Race and Hollywood.

Black Kids Will Save America.

News for queers and our allies:

Gay East Carolina Univ. diver left Mormon faith and became Baptist after coming out.

Double the Sex or Double the Pitfalls? How Does a Bi Marriage Really Work?

The Devious New Conservative Plan To Turn LGBT People Against Each Other.

Kansas Teacher In Hot Water For Showing Bullying Video Has Been Reinstated.

Happy News!

VIDEO: President Jimmy Carter Says He Feels Fine, Keeps Busy Despite Cancer.


When the Sun Went Medieval on Our Planet.

VIDEO: BMW Drivers Really Are Jerks, Studies Find.

Jimmy Carter's Cancer Battle Spotlights 2 New Therapies.

Science Fiction, Fantasy and Speculation!

World Fantasy award drops HP Lovecraft as prize image.

Here's What "Uncanny X-Men's" Iceman Coming Out Scene Got Right.

Terminally ill fan who saw Star Wars: The Force Awakens early has died.

H.P. Lovecraft was always a terrible choice for the World Fantasy Awards. "Lovecraft wrote stories where books could usher in the end of the world. H.P. Lovecraft wrote stories where imagination would lead you to death and insanity. H.P. Lovecraft wrote stories where curiosity didn’t only kill the cat, but made the cat pray for death to a cold and uncaring universe. H.P. Lovecraft wrote stories where the only thing you’d find through the looking glass, at the back of the wardrobe, or out beyond the stars was madness, depravity, and despair."

This Week in History

How did the first world war actually end?

Culture war news:

Mormon Church Nostalgic for Days When Homophobia Just Hurt Homos. “I’ve seen lots of painful things, but nothing so widespread, in terms of the devastation and heartbreak. I personally talked to dozens of people who are walking away. And these aren’t people with LGBT ties. These are ardent, faithful, in-the-box believing Mormons who can’t abide this,”

The Most Effective Argument Against Gay Rights: The conservative backlash to marriage and transgender equality is officially under way.

Starbucks’s red cup controversy, explained.

Cartoon: The right to an unfair trial.

Utah governor says judge who ordered child removed from same-sex couple should ‘follow the law’.

On Campus Racism And The Fairy Tale Of The P.C. Police.

50 Cent, Vivica A. Fox And The Absurdity Of Hip-Hop Homophobia.

This Week in the Clown Car

The real reason Donald Trump appeals to working-class whites: Racial animus only tells part of the story. Red-state voters really believe Trump is so rich he can't be bought.

Ted Cruz will never “Let It Go”: The right-wing’s insane new fear of “Frozen”.

Poll: The more that GOP voters hear about Bush, the less they like him.

The Fox Business GOP Debate Was Boring — and Rigged.

Why Is the Media Ignoring Ted Cruz's Embrace of 'Kill the Gays' Pastor?

AP: Carson Profits From Ties With Felon Convicted Of Health Care Fraud.

This week in Other Politics:

Rachel Maddow Dazzles And Puts The Republican Debates To Shame At SC Democratic Forum.

The Most Basic Rule Of Journalism. "Hillary Clinton and Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina and the rest will argue that Who/What/When/Where/Why/How are all "gotcha" questions, but holding them (or anyone) accountable for their assertions -- by demanding proof -- isn't a "gotcha" game."

How Paul Ryan is already changing Congress.

It’s time to withdraw from the Middle East: Military intervention is only making terrorism worse. It’s time for a radical pivot.

Obama Administration Announces Support For Amending Civil Rights Act To Protect LGBT People.

Jimmy Carter gets optimistic update on cancer treatment.

This Week in Police Problems

Pseudoscience in the Witness Box: The FBI faked an entire field of forensic science.

Things I wrote:

Weekend Update – 11/7/2015: Children Being Failed.

Trying too hard to proclaim oppression….

Here comes the gloom again.

The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month….

Cosmic Cringing – lovable sf/f made by less-than-lovable people.


Steve Grand - "We are the Night" ACOUSTIC - LIVE at YouTube Space LA:

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

Starbucks Holiday Cup Controversy:

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

Baby Hitler Is No Match For Jeb!:

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

5 Seconds of Summer - Hey Everybody!:

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

Panic! At The Disco: Emperor's New Clothes [OFFICIAL VIDEO]:

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

Friday, November 6, 2015

Friday Links (holy horsepower, Batman edition)

I am a little shocked that it is already November! Which means we are deeper into decorating season, but also that the year is running out!

NaNoWriMo is taking up a lot of my time, so I'm not doing as much online news readying as usual. Anyway, here is a collection of some of the things that I ran across over the course of the week which struck me as worthy of being shared. Sorted into categories with headings so you can skip more easily:

Link of the Week

LOL: James Bond Rents a Car from Stephen Colbert.

This Week in Shaken, Not Stirred

Roger Moore explains How to make the perfect martini.

This Week in Diversity

The Cool Girl Trap: Or, Why Sexism in Tech Isn’t Going Away.

After Voting Rights Lawsuit Changes the System: Historic election: Two Latinos elected to Yakima City Council.

This week in Stupid People

This Is the Laser That Someone Allegedly Pointed at the Captain and Chief Mate of a State Ferry Last Week.

Grown men freaked out by ‘gay’ Twitter hearts - A change from the star icon to a love-heart predictably opened the homophobic floodgates.

This week in Difficult to Classify

TSA screeners can't detect weapons and they never could.

An Open Letter to Those Who Give Kids Banned Books.

This week in Evil People

U.S. Senate panel probing Valeant, Turing over drug costs.

Notre Dame academic coach fired amid claims she coerced athletes into having sex with her daughter. And not just to have sex, she coerced them into describing the details of the sex to her… and there’s a racial component, and another university employee allegedly helped her drug the athletes...

News for queers and our allies:

The next time someone you know is claiming that trans people are confused or similar, show them this comic.

When My Childhood Bully Hit Me Up On A Gay Dating App. (This is a recurring nightmare... and it has nearly happened...)

Homosexuality in Mainstream Comedy and the Confused, Fascinating Sexual Politics of ‘Partners’.

Gay Men Should Be Ashamed of Slut-Shaming.

Two More Gay Men Attacked At Gunpoint In Dallas, Marking 11 Violent Assaults In Two Months.


The first giant raptor (Theropoda: Dromaeosauridae) from the Hell Creek Formation. Large raptor fossil with robust, obvious, unmistakable quill knobs!

Salem Witch in Ray Bradbury’s Family Tree.

How a group of neighbors created their own Internet service: Powered by radios in trees, homegrown network serves 50 houses on Orcas Island.

In the 1970s, Scientists Discovered a 2 Billion-Year-Old Nuclear Reactor in West Africa. "...a naturally occurring deposit of uranium where the concentration of uranium-235 had been high enough to trigger a self-sustaining nuclear reaction."

Man died with 'tapeworm tumours'.

Britain's oldest tree appears to be undergoing a sex change after 3,000 years.

Edinburgh astronomers make sunless planet discoveries.

New photo shows the expansive dunes of Saturn's strange, hazy moon Titan.

The space artist who saw Pluto before Nasa.

Did Neanderthals and sabre-toothed wage battles? Fossil remains reveal the predators lived side-by-side with our ancestors.

Strong placebo response thwarts painkiller trials.

Scientists map source of Northwest’s next big quake.

Slimy mystery: Thousands of worms cover Auburn sidewalk after rainstorm.

Science Fiction, Fantasy and Speculation!

Wired does an extended look at the Hugo issue. As everyone else that I've seen sharing this link says, Stay out of the comments! Sci-Fi’s Hugo Awards and the Battle for Pop Culture’s Soul.

Today’s passive aggressive fan mail: reader will not read more of my books because I don’t speak English English as my first language. The author speaks English as his native language, but... Oh! Just got read it, it's very short and funny!

No, the Kids Aren’t Reading the Classics and Why Would They.

Get Bent – Why Bother? (thanks to Foxraven for the link!)

Author re-reads all of Heinlein in a few months and comments on which things still hold up, which don't, and why.

The Feminist Horror Author You Need to Read Immediately.

Terry Gilliam Is Not, in Fact, Dead.

Octavia's Brood: Science Fiction Stories from Social Justice Movements edited by adrienne maree brown and Walidah Imarisha.

This week in Geek

Slightly fewer Americans are reading print books, new survey finds.

Here’s a Global Heatmap of People with Your Last Name.

People were linking to some cool author maps this week. They're generated via crowdsource. You can improve the author maps and get some recommendations by going here: the global network of discovery.

The 25 Distinct Reasons People “Favorite” Things on Twitter. They can't count... and their definition of distinct leaves something to be desired...

Culture war news:

Voters Repeal Anti-Discrimination Law in Houston After Hate Campaign Targeting Trans Women Using Public Toilets. "So the haters in Houston argued—successfully—that straight men are terrible. Right? They argued that trans women are actually straight dudes who are attracted to women. So the haters won yesterday by convincing a majority of voters in Houston that straight people suck."

Another example of how Republicans and the Islamic State have much in common: Isis shuts down women's clinics in Raqqa to prevent male gynaecologists treating female patients.

Sentenced for drug treatment, young man gets "gay cure" instead, then driven to suicide; Family can't sue because of Religious Arbitration Clause.

“You girls can’t do that here”: Lesbian couple says cop arrested them for kissing in public.

Mississippi Flag Supporter Allegedly Bombs Wal-Mart After Chain Stops Selling Flag. And once again, because he's a white american, they aren't treating it as terrorism, even thought that is exactly what it is!

How should conservative Christians handle a rapidly changing culture?

School Threatens 7-Year-Old With Expulsion for Talking About Her Gay Dad.

Rich Still Handily Winning the Class War.

Why Is The LGBT Movement Struggling To Uphold A Simple Law In Houston?. This was posted just before election day, but Dominic does a great job of outlining why equality lost in Houston.

LDS church to exclude children of same-sex couples from membership.

This Week in the Clown Car

“Douchebag says what?”: Stephen Colbert unloads on CNBC, GOP crybabies.

Dear Ben Carson: Actually, You Are a 'Homophobe' If You're Opposed to Marriage Equality Now. "...if you're opposed to something that is now a right of every American and has been proven in court -- in the federal trial over California's Proposition 8 -- to harm no one, including children, then you do have an irrational fear of homosexuality. And certainly if you're a medical doctor yourself and you're opposed to something that the American Medical Association, American Psychological Association and American Psychiatric Association deem normal, natural and healthy and not harmful at all to anyone, then you have an irrational fear of homosexuality. And that is the essence of homophobia - a fear of homosexuality."

Mike Huckabee Goes "Hunting".

Ben Carson: Egyptian pyramids were grain stores, not pharaohs' tombs.

Fox Boots Huckebee & Christie From Next Main Debate, Graham & Pataki Don’t Even Make The Kids Table.

What repulsive swastika retweet tells us about Trump.

Youngest DREAMers Need Not Apply: The Other Troubling Part of Marco Rubio’s DACA Comments.

Rand Paul’s New Book Sells Fewer Than 500 Copies In Two Weeks.

Put gay people to death? Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal and Mike Huckabee to speak at Iowa “religious liberty” conference led by noxious right-wing radio host.

This week in Other Politics:

The Sad Truth of Our Politics: It's Basically Turned into a Competition Among Oligarchs to Own Everything.

Larry Lessig’s Campaign Was in Better Shape Than the GOP Undercard Field.

How Democrats Suppress The Vote - Off-year elections have much lower turnout, and Democrats prefer it that way.

Voters Reject LGBT Rights, Health Care for the Poor, and Legalized Marijuana. Well, the Ohio voters rejected a convoluted legalized marijuana monopoly, not legalized marijuana...

Michigan Tea Partiers Fail To Win Back Seats After Fake Gay Sex Scandal.

Bernie Sanders Wants to Ban All New Fossil Fuel Development on Federal Lands.

Fircrest voters decide to lift 90-year-old ban on alcohol sales.

The Push for Legal Marijuana Spreads.

This Week in Police Problems

Hundreds of officers lose licenses over sex misconduct. "sexual misconduct is among the most prevalent type of complaint against law officers"

Massachusetts: Millis police officer Bryan Johnson charged with filing false shooting report that sparked manhunt.

Arkansas: England cop charged in false shooting report.

Illinois: MSNBC's Chris Hayes Highlights Conservative Media's Irresponsible Coverage Of Fox Lake Police Officer's Death.

Illinois Cop Who Killed Himself Tried to Hire Hit Man to Kill Village Administrator.


Melissa Mathison, ‘E.T.’ Screenwriter and Ex-Wife of Harrison Ford, Dies at 65.

Follow up on a past farewell: Robin Williams’s Wife, Susan, Says ‘It Was Not Depression That Killed Robin’ - autopsy revealed that Robin Williams was suffering from Diffuse Lewy Body Dementia, a neurodegenerative disease.

Star Trek visual effects pioneer Howard A. Anderson. Jr. passes away.

Batmobile Creator George Barris Dies at 89. Also the designer of the Munster Koach and a lot of TV an movie cars.

Things I wrote:

It’s that time of year again: NaNoWriMo starts tonight!.

You don’t have to add diversity—just stop erasing it! (part 2).

Ancient Tomes and Living Fossils – how I love sf/f isn’t the only way.


Viva La Vida - Postmodern Jukebox Coldplay Cover ft. Puddles Pity Party:

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

Weird Things Gay Couples Do:

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

Men in Jetpacks Fly Beside Massive Airbus A380 in Spectacular Video:

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

Houston's Equal Rights Ordinance: A Closer Look - Late Night with Seth Meyers:

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

Nathan Sykes - Over And Over Again (you might want to grab a tissue):

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)