Friday, March 27, 2015

Friday Links (persecution substitution edition)

It's Friday. We're nearly through with March. Is it too early to comment on how fast the year is flying by?

Anyway, here is a collection of some of the things that I ran across over the course of the week which struck me as worthy of being shared:

The improbable, 200-year-old story of one of America’s first same-sex ‘marriages’.

Let's Get Some Things Straight About Aaron Schock.

An Open Letter to My Biggest High School Bully: My Teacher.

This is article is a couple of years old, but How Many American Men Are Gay? is still a difficult question to answer. "More than one quarter of gay men hide their sexuality from anonymous surveys. The evidence also suggests that a large number of gay men are married to women."

It took until 2014, surprisingly, but music streaming services have finally outsold CDs.

Mystery of Darwin's 'strange animals' solved.

New data on the changing face of religion in America.

The Worst Taboo In Urban Fantasy.

Women-led companies perform three times better than the S&P 500.

Emmy Noether revolutionized mathematics — and still faced sexism all her life.

35 Years After Saying Gay People Should Die, Bob Jones III Apologizes… While At Event Opposing LGBT Rights.

CA attorney general vows to halt ballot measure that would legalize killing gay people. I posted a link to a story about this when the lawyer first filed it, but now that the state Attorney General has determined that she is legally obligated to let this bill (which explicitly authorizes any citizen to murder someone they believe to be gay and forbids any state or local official from arresting, charging, or punishing said murderer) onto the ballot, the rest of the news world has noticed the story.

4 reasons I’m glad I came out as an atheist.

18 Science Facts You Might Have Believed In The ’90s That Are Wrong.

Wood Bison Roam the U.S. for First Time in a Century.

Indiana's religious freedom law shows the new frontier in the battle over LGBT rights.

Religious Freedom? Nope, Just Plain Old Discrimination.

Blast From the Past: States Using 'Religious Freedom' to Justify Segregation.


Richard III: ancient DNA solves a 500-year-old mystery.

It's Not Easy Being Scientology: Since its founding in the 1950s, L. Ron Hubbard’s organization has put a premium on controlling the flow of information—an increasingly impossible enterprise in the Internet age.

NOM resorts to blatant lying in its 2015 #March4Marriage materials.

I wrote a long review of a book written by one of my favorite childhood/young adult writers: Book Review: Many Waters.

And Talent doesn’t mean what you think it means.

Plus The magic rule that will make you a writer.


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Bill Maher says fraternity culture is like a cult: Maher on Frat Culture: Get the F*ck Out:

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Sea Otter Pup Luna Meets a New Friend:

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Religious Freedom (Doesn't Mean The Freedom To Discriminate) - funny song:

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Wait - The Music Business, Hollywood & Sleazy Manager Hijinks - Tom Goss (many musical styles):

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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Municipal Violations (HBO):

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Friday, March 20, 2015

Friday Links (cellblock tango edition)

It's Friday. We're three weeks into March and what weird week it has been.

Anyway, here is a collection of some of the things that I ran across over the course of the week which struck me as worthy of being shared:

Neil Gaiman on Terry Pratchett: 'He Did Something Huge and Noble'.

A second minor planet may possess Saturn-like rings: Features around Chiron may signal rings, jets, or a shell of dust.

Previously Unknown Region from Dawn of Solar System Gave Rise to Earth, Mars, Venus.

The right’s religion lie: Science, sex and the truth about God and politics.

Paleo isn't a fad diet, it's an ideology that selectively denies the modern world.

Alzheimer’s breakthrough uses ultrasound technology to break up neurotoxic amyloid plaques.

Who's afraid of the Apple Watch?

Spanish caver finds 20,000 year-old drawings.

Cody Spafford found both solace and redemption in the kitchen of Seattle’s most celebrated restaurant. What turned a promising chef into a bank robber?

If you Own a Pitchfork, You Will Grab It When You See This Chart.

“Amazing” Bronze Mask of Pan Unearthed in Israel.

How Would Alien Astronomers from Andromeda Detect Life On Earth?

I Can Text You A Pile of Poo, But I Can’t Type My Name. We can’t ignore the composition of the Unicode Consortium’s members, directors, and officers -- the people who define the everyday writing systems of all languages across the globe.

Rosetta makes first detection of molecular nitrogen at a comet.

Prehistoric stone tools bear 500,000-year-old animal residue.

With Just Six Delta Smelt Left, Controversial California Fish Species Faces Impending Extinction.

The Secret Lives of the Tiny People In Architectural Renderings.

Laws to Stop Marriage Equality Grow Increasingly Weird.

Florida Man Washes Sidewalk, Gets Attacked By Ants.

Oklahoma is banning atheists from getting married.

Queer As (Space) Folk: The rise and fall of sexual diversity in Who.

East Middle Earth: A Story Worth Telling?.

Five Geek Social Fallacies. An oldie, but still a goodie!

Why “Glee” Still Matters.

The ‘Vocal Minority’ And Artistic Integrity In Comics.

Internet Explorer is dead, but will continue as a work-focused zombie.


Gay and Mennonite: They vote on everything. They’re committed to peace. Can a church that defines itself by harmony survive dissonance over homosexuality?.

New feminist Thor is selling way more comic books than the old Thor.

Starbucks is a national joke: Why its #RaceTogether campaign is so “self-righteous”.

Gamer Gate's Crusade Against Blocking.

Black Mississippi Man Hanged From Tree.

Cell Block Tango - Broadway Backwards 2015:

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Johnny Marr is set to mark 2015’s Record Store Day with a numbered limited edition 7” release of ‘I Feel You’ (Depeche Mode cover) on April 18th:

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Aaron Schock & the Closets of Downton Abbey:

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FREE - Alright Now (1970 UK TV Performance) ~ HIGH QUALITY HQ (Out bassist Andy Fraser died this week, age 62):

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Zachary Quinto Remembers Leonard Nimoy - CONAN on TBS:

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Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron - TV Spot 2:

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Friday, March 13, 2015

Friday Links (Farewell, Sir Terry)

It's Friday. I should be excited, but yesterday the world lost a great, witty, and wonderful writer. And learning that one of my favorite writers had died was only the beginning of a really, really not fun day. So, I guess I'm just glad that Thursday is finally over.

Anyway, here is a shorter-than-usual collection of some of the things that I ran across over the course of the week which struck me as worthy of being shared:

Sir Terry Pratchett, renowned fantasy author, dies aged 66.

Terry Pratchett: Neil Gaiman and Ursula Le Guin lead tributes.

Video: Saturday Night Live Eviscerates Ben Carson's 'prison turns people gay' comments.

We counted literally every road in America. Here’s what we learned. For one thing, contrary to popular belief "2nd" isn't the most popular street name (but there are many more 2nds than 1sts).

The tank library will bomb you with literature.

Gay Black Lives Matter: The Importance of TV’s Sudden About-Face in LGBT Racial Diversity.

No More Dried Up Spinsters – Nancy Jane Moore.

Hot water activity on icy moon’s seafloor ESA - Tiny grains of rock detected by Cassini spacecraft point to hydrothermal activity on the seafloor of its icy moon Enceladus.

Bigger On The Inside, a song by Amanda Palmer.

Op-ed: Empire's Queer Family of Color Is the Real 'New Normal'.

At 18, Buffy the Vampire Slayer Is Still Revolutionary.

Giant sea creature hints at early arthropod evolution.

Seaside snail most misidentified creature in the world.

Neanderthals Wore Eagle Talons As Jewelry 130,000 Years Ago.

I wrote about how Being religious is a choice, being gay isn’t.

And there was a follow-up on an earlier post: Apologist shovels more BS on the elite pile.

30 Weird Apps - mental_floss on YouTube - List Show (249):

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Blade Runner: The Final Cut (New Trailer) - In cinemas 3 Apr | BFI release:

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Ricky Martin - Mr. Put It Down ft. Pitbull:

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Friday, March 6, 2015

Friday Links (lots of videos editon)

It's Friday! The first Friday in March. Already! I should be more excited, but I've been sick all week and while I'm hopeful that the antibiotics will get rid of this cough sometime soon, I'm just too tired to be enthusiastic about anything.

Anyway, here is a collection of news and other things that I ran across over the course of the week which struck me as worthy of being shared:

Congressman Aaron Schock Spending Tax Moneys On Hot Male Personal Photographer. Totally Normal. Sexy, young personal photographer paid fulltime on taxpayer dime, travels with congressman everywhere, gets photographed standing beside him just the way a spouse would everywhere (wait! the photographer is IN the pictures?)... right. Totally normal!

A letter to my son Jacob on his 5th birthday.

The first ever photograph of light as a particle and a wave.

California High School Elects Trans Homecoming Princess, Gay King.

The Architect Who Wants to Redesign Being Dead: What if We Composted Our Bodies Instead of Burying or Cremating Them? The Revolutionary Idea Behind the Urban Death Project.

A Few Words on Russell Tovey and Why If It Weren't for My Father, I Wouldn't Be a Faggot. "...pity can be progress' worst enemy and excusing thinking like his -- or accepting the idea that it's just his "truth" -- leaves us exactly where we started: in a world where being a faggot is akin to a death sentence."

Otter Pup Separated from His Family Finds a New Home. So many cute pictures!

Texas high school basketball team displays incredible sportsmanship. You'll need a Kleenex.

How Lab Rats Are Changing Our View of Obesity.

Grand tree of life study shows a clock-like trend in new species emergence and diversity.

Christian Lawyer Proposes Bill in California to Execute Gay People With Bullets to the Head. Initiative specifies that "if the law is not enforced (once the bill is passed), citizens should be able to assassinate gay people outside of the law and not have to face charges from the state."

Arkansas horror story: Republican lawmaker gave up adopted 6-year-old to man who then raped her.

Let’s Meet Justin Harris, The Arkansas House’s Godly Child-Abandoner.

Earlier this week I wrote about Wading through the elitist BS.

And expounded a bit more on Running about with lit matches.

You Don't Own Me - The First Wives Club:

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Broken Social Scene - I'm Still Your Fag:

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Hercules & Love Affair ft. John Grant — I Try To Talk To You (Official Video):

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TED Talk - If the monster wants you, it's going to get you - How I'm preparing to get Alzheimer's:

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Blade Runner Meets Metal:

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History of Duets with Kelly Clarkson:

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Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron - Trailer 3:

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Guy Sebastian - Like a Drum:

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