Friday, October 14, 2016

Friday Links (smart cuttlefish edition)

It's a Friday! And it's the second Friday in October! Tomorrow is the third Saturday, though, so we'll be hosting Writers' Night, which means it's even closer to Jack O'Lantern time that it seems!

This has been a weird week. Started out absolutely wonderful with Geek Girl Con last weekend, then back to work for extra special busy-ness (always the case when you take time off), and then a bunch of us at the office all came down sick in the middle of the week. A bit over 24 hours after the first symptoms hit me, I seem to be over it. But it means that I didn't do as much reading this week as usual, so this week's list of links is a bit shorter than usual.

Anyway, here are links to some of the interesting things I read on the web this week, sorted into various topic areas.

Links of the Week

Hillary’s Honorary Gay Nephew On Why She’s The Right Woman For The Job. Hot sauce on eggs to keep you healthy ^_^

News for queers and our allies:

Republican Texas Judge Officiates Gay Wedding, Comes Out As A Democrat.

Drunk History Recaps the Stonewall Riots and Honors Marsha P. Johnson.

Iconic Gay Magazine XY Returns For A New Generation.


Decades-Old Mystery Put To Rest: Why Are There X's In The Desert?

Earth-like planets in solar system ‘habitable zones’ to be photographed for 1st time.

High blood pressure drugs impact depression, bipolar disorder.

Researchers are trying to figure out how to change your brain so you can learn like a kid again.

Physicists just witnessed quasiparticles forming for the first time ever.

Cuttlefish Can Count to Five.

The GOP’s Denial of Science Primed Them for the Illogic of Trump.

Anti-Vaxx Group Wants to Know Why Study They Funded Shows No Link Between Vaccines and Autism.

Try Not to Cry While Watching Earth Rise From the Moon in HD.

The bones in the Smithsonian’s ‘whale warehouse’ are relics of a lost world.

Why many ‘deadly’ gene mutations are turning out to be harmless..

Science Fiction, Fantasy and Speculation!

The H Word: The Darkest, Truest Mirrors.

GeekGirlCon panel highlights how there’s no age limit on being a fangirl.

Costumes of GeekGirlCon 2016.

GeekGirlCon: What the rest of the tech industry can learn from women in games.

This week in Writing

Bob Dylan Awarded Nobel Prize in Literature.

Reactions to Bob Dylan’s Nobel Prize: Shock, elation and concern for Philip Roth. If you're the kind of person who thinks Philip Roth has been robbed every time that the committee handed out the Nobel Prize in literature to anyone else, I can't help you.

This Week in History

What We Lose When We Don’t Teach LGBTQ History In Schools.

Culture war news:

The White House Must Be Exorcised Of Bisexual Native American Demons, Says Christian Write. Exorcised? No, sounds like the start of a great party!

North Carolina governor and wife 'shunned' over HB2 - even by friends.

Religion is the “Biggest Bully in the Room,” Says Gay Writer.

Suspended Anti-gay Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore asked to clean out office, turn over keys.

Liberty University students protest association with Trump.

This week in so-called Christians

If Donald Trump has done anything, he has snuffed out the Religious Right. The author of this op-ed is the president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. And while his comments about the hypocrisy of some of his co-religionist is correct, he isn't quite right about why young people are fleeing the church.

Pew Research Center: Why America’s ‘nones’ left religion behind.

This is the last spastic breath from the Religious Right before its overdue death.

Strong evangelical support for Donald Trump this election year has baffled many inside and outside of Christian conservative circles.

This week in rape culture

Donald and Billy on the Bus."Such has it always been: powerful men sorting women’s bodies into property and trash and “good” guys, average guys, guys you know, guys you love, guys on the “Today” show, going along with it. Snickering." "But here is the thing, the big thing, that Paul D. Ryan and Reince Priebus and Mike Pence and all the spineless Billy Bushes of the world (and plenty of progressive men too, for that matter) don’t understand: Most of you are no better than Mr. Trump; you are just more subtle."

This Week Regarding the Lying Liar:

Trump Warns Of Dark Conspiracy By Clinton, Media, And International Banks.

Read the New York Times’ response to Donald Trump’s lawyers. It really is good!

A Timeline of Donald Trump's Creepiness While He Owned Miss Universe.

How Trump’s Squirming Supporters Tried to Spin the New York Times Report.

Why My East Texas Neighbors are Voting for Trump: It’s not because they’re stupid rednecks. Well... The difference between willfully ignorant and stupid is an awful thin line...

Trump, the GOP, and the Fall. “But note well: Donald Trump is not a black swan, an unforeseen event erupting upon an unsuspecting Republican Party. He is the end result of conscious and deliberate choices by the GOP, going back decades, to demonize its opponents, to polarize and obstruct, to pursue policies that enfeeble the political weal and to yoke the bigot and the ignorant to their wagon and to drive them by dangling carrots that they only ever intended to feed to the rich.”

This week in Politics:

Christie Now Faces Official Misconduct Complaint Over Bridgegate.

Why it matters: Outcome of presidential race has implications for LGBT rights.

Married Republican apologises for sexting teenage boy.

Hillary Clinton is proposing a policy to tackle deep poverty.

Things I wrote:

Geek Girl Con.

Come Out and Celebrate!

Little things can make or break your story.


Thriller Parody - Sofonda Cox:

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

HRC Celebrates National Coming Out Day 2016:

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)


(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

103 Years of Drag Queen Fashion | Vanity Fair:

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

Randy Newman - Putin (Official Audio):

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

Years & Years - Meteorite (Official Video):

(If embedding doesn't work, click here.)

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